Languages supported

CookieHub provides translations for 39 languages that you can customize and conditionally display to end users based on web site’s language, browser language or URL prefix.


CookieHub is a tool that helps website owners and developers comply with various data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

One of the features of CookieHub is the ability to provide translations for 39 different languages, allowing you to customize the language displayed to your end users based on factors such as the language of the website, the language of the user’s browser, or the language specified in the URL prefix.

This is useful for websites that cater to a global audience, as it allows you to present the necessary information in a way that is easily understandable to users regardless of their preferred language.

The following is a complete list of the languages currently supported by CookieHub:

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CookieHub is a subscription service that offers flexible pricing plans to suit the needs of websites of all sizes. Find the plan that works for you.

Don’t just take our word for it, get started with a 30 day free trial!

CookieHub Features

Take control of your cookie privacy with confidence. Explore our features designed for simplicity and built for reliability.

Cookie Scanner

Scans your website for you and detects the cookies that are in use.

Cookie Declaration

Automatically generates a detailed list of the cookies in use on your site.


Gain your customers trust by ensuring their privacy is taken seriously.

Consent Log

Log and store user consents along with necessary information required...

Google Certified CMP

CookieHub is a Gold Google Certified CMP, trusted for web managers.

Google Consent Mode Scanner

Ensure Google Consent Mode V2 is correctly implemented on your site.

Google Consent Mode V2

As an advertiser, you can collect user data with the rights of users to maintain their privacy.


Automatically shows the correct consent framework depending on the users location.


CookieHub has fully embraced Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards.

TCF 2.2 Compliance

CookieHub now fully supports IAB TCF 2.2. for obtaining user consent in digital advertising.


CookieHub provides translations for 39 languages that you can conditionally display.

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